Saturday, August 19, 2017

The Pros and Cons of Barcode Handheld Scanners

Barcode handheld scanner commonly seen in the establishment that sells basic commodity products. A device scans the bar codes and has to hold by the person assigned in the cashier. Most of the Barcode handheld scanner is design like a gun that all you need is to point it the scanner to the barcode of the product. Barcode handheld scanner can be cordless or not based on the need of the business; however, if you can observe most of the establishment uses the wireless Barcode handheld scanner in the operation.

barcode scanners

Here are the pros for your business and cons to inform you of the thing that you need to take note so it will not affect the future of the business.


The advantage that Barcode handheld scanner can give to your business stated below:
  • Effective and fast scanning of the products
    Many or not products to be scan by in the cashier is not a problem when you have Barcode handheld scanner at hand. It is effective in bulk scanning; all you need to do is scan the product and place in the computer the quantity of the same product. The computer will compute it for you.
  • Ideally for inventories
    Barcode handheld scanner is very useful in inventory in the warehouse. It is light to carry and some of the Barcode handheld scanner product has the capacity to store data in the scanner.
  • Cheap and flexible
    Barcode handheld scanner is cost effective and you can bring it anywhere the businesses premises. The wireless is ideal than the chord scanner and allows you to carry it in the warehouse.

Barcode handheld scanner is not applicable to use in some times. Here are some of the disadvantages of the scanner to your business:
  • Reading zone
    Not all the times you can scan far away from bar codes of the product. When you go to a warehouse, you know that there are products that it place above the shelf. Some of Barcode handheld scanner only allows having a less than 20 feet away from the device to scan the product. In these instances, you had better use barcode scanner that can do the job and equip with the features that can scan in long distances.
  • Must be held by the user
    As indicated with the name of the scanner, it has to be hold to do the scanning. With this limitation, it will affect the effectivity and productivity of the user that is a big loss in business. You know that in business, time is money so if there is a delay, money in that period is gone forever. It is best to work with both hands if you are using one hand to hold the scanner, only one hand can fully make the work fast.
Using Barcode handheld scanner is very effective in the productivity of the staff and the business. It saves a lot of time and it gives you the chance to spend less amount because it is effective and cheap I the market. With the pros that it has, overall, it adds a lot to the welfare of the business. For more information, please visit
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